News Archive


  • Meet Trisha Perlman: GPA President Q&A

    When Trisha Perlman, Graland's newest GPA president, and her husband, Jake, were searching for a school for their daughters, they knew they wanted a place that would instill a genuine love of learning while nurturing and supporting their girls as individuals. Upon discovering Graland, they never looked back. Eleanor, now in Grade 7, began her Graland journey in Kindergarten in 2017, with Caroline, now in Grade 4, joining her for Preschool in 2018.
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  • VIDEO: Grade 7 & Grade 8: Discovering Passions in ICE Classes

    Watch as students immerse themselves in enriching activities through Innovation, Creativity, and Expression; ICE. From filming and directing self-written stories in The Art of Filming to crafting beautiful wooden pieces in Woodworking, students at Graland are discovering new passions and expanding their skills in ICE. 
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  • VIDEO: Grade 8: Civil Rights Trip Recap Video

    Embarking on a powerful journey through history, Grade 8 delves into the heart of the U.S. South to explore Civil Rights history – a transformative field trip filled with learning, reflection, and a deeper understanding of our shared past. Click below for photos and a video about the trip.
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  • VIDEO: Grades 7 & 8: "Singin' in the Rain Jr."

    Hats off to the talented cast and the behind-the-scenes crew of “Singin’ in the Rain Jr.” for an unforgettable performance! Throughout the semester, these dedicated seventh and eighth graders and their teachers worked tirelessly, perfecting their singing, dancing, acting, and behind-the-scenes expertise to transport the audience(s) to the golden age of Hollywood. Congratulations to everyone involved on a truly sensational show! Click to watch the highlights of the multi-day performances.
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  • VIDEO: Kindergarten Rodeo!

    Saddle up for a front-row seat to Graland's cherished Kindergarten Rodeo! All year, our young cowpokes have explored Colorado's rich agricultural heritage through engaging activities in Tinker Time, Writing, Music & Movement, and more. They've also embarked on experiential field trips to the Stock Show and Urban Farms, deepening their understanding and appreciation for rancher and farmer life.
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  • VIDEO: Lower School: Practicing Adaptability in PE

    The commitment to character development is woven into the fabric of daily student life. This year, Graland introduced key character attributes to its students, including agency, adaptability, curiosity, responsibility, and empathy. For the Lower School students, the month of December shines a spotlight on the crucial trait of "adaptability," a quality that extends beyond the classroom into the community framework.
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  • Grade 1: Launching Businesses With Help from Middle School Graphic Designers

    This spring, our first-grade students embarked on an entrepreneurial adventure in their social studies class, learning the ins and outs of opening and sustaining a business. Inspired by the survey information they personally gathered from local businesses and consumers in Cherry Creek North, the first-grade entrepreneurs established a toy shop, a bakery for pets and humans, a food hall, and a bookstore in each of their homeroom classes.
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  • Grade 3: Designing Costumes & Props for Modern Fairy Tales

    This month, Graland third graders combined their love for fairy tales with the world of drama. Under the guidance of Drama Teacher Mrs. Julie Lachance, the students participated in a new unit that beautifully complemented the Grade 3 language arts curriculum. 
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  • Grade 2: Shining a Spotlight on Society’s Changemakers (Bio Expo)

    Every May, as the school year comes to a close, students get the chance to showcase what they have learned and how they have grown through culminating events such as the Grade 2 Biography Expo.
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  • ECLC: Buzzing With Excitement (Insect Unit)

    Students in Graland's preschool class have been buzzing with excitement throughout their unit on insects this month. To kick off the segment, students in Ms. Flansburg's class discussed what they already knew about insects and what they were curious about. If you ask a preschooler about something they learned in this unit, they will tell you that many insects are not actually considered bugs. 
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  • Grade 4 Students Unearth Colorado's Geological Wonders through STEAM Learning

    This month, our fourth-grade students embarked on an exciting journey through time as they explored the geological transformations of Earth and Colorado's stunning landscapes in their science class. Guided by their Science Teacher, Ms. Elise de Geus, the students undertook a new unit examining fossil and geological evidence to explain Earth's changes throughout history.
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  • Grades 7/8: Eagle Fund Changemakers Build Music Wall for Therapeutic Gardens Initiative

    In 2002, eleven Graland alumni (from the classes of 1992-94) had a common goal of creating an organization to benefit local nonprofits making a difference in the community. Recognizing that they could make a larger impact by banding together their resources, rather than giving individually, these former Graland students established the Eagle Fund, which has not only supported many organizations in the Denver community, but encouraged fellow Eagles to get involved. 
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  • Grade 3: Bringing the Colorado Social Studies Curriculum to Life

    If you spend time with the Grade 3 teachers at Graland, they will tell you that one of the highlights of their year is the many experiential field trips that they coordinate for their students as part of the social studies curriculum.
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  • A Balanced Perspective: Acknowledging Our Role in Education

    By Marti Champion, Head of Middle School and Tara Lavizzo, Middle School Counselor
    Graland’s partnership with Challenge Success, a nonprofit organization affiliated with the Stanford University Graduate School of Education, began in August 2021, when we, like the rest of the world, were looking forward to getting back to life as we knew it. In recent years, purpose has become the cornerstone of our work, where Georgia Nelson’s vision of “live the learning” has had to be amplified. We had to go back to basics, focusing on the whole child and the “development of the body, mind, and spirit as a whole.”
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  • A Legacy of Love and Dedication: Lisa Ross’s Journey at Graland

    By Kat Diez Canseco, Communications Department
    The Master Teacher wall in the Georgia Nelson building houses Graland’s history and honors the educators who have devoted 20-plus years to the school and its students. The Master Teacher wall stands as a testament to the enduring commitment and passion of Graland educators who have left an indelible mark on the school and its community, and this year its 72nd Master Teacher will be added, Mrs. Lisa Ross.
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  • Birch Art & Literary Magazine

    By Sarah Baldwin, Art Teacher, Cole Hamilton, Grade 4 Teacher, & Kimm Lucas, Grade 5 English Teacher
    This year, middle schoolers are excited to revive Graland’s Art and Literary Magazine under a new moniker, “Birch.” While Graland has a long history of publishing student work, the school has not formally published an arts and literary magazine in over a decade. “Birch” will bring together art and creative writing from the entire Graland community, including students and educators. We are excited to bring this tradition back to Graland’s rich arts and literature program and ecstatic to share the final publication with the Graland community this spring. 
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  • Camp Roots: A New Chapter With Horizons Colorado

    By Kat Diez Canseco, Communications Department
    In 2022, Graland proudly launched Camp Roots, a program that provides academic sessions and enrichment activities to students from Aurora public schools to prevent summer learning loss, prepare students for the upcoming school year, and create a fun, engaging environment. Partnering with the Metro Migrant Education Program and the JCC, Camp Roots students spent part of their day in classroom instruction and the other part enjoying JCC’s Camp Shai.
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  • Evolving Classroom Lessons through Professional Development and Contemporary Art

    By Andrea Crane, Art Teacher
    When my family lived in Kuwait, we had a small window of time when shows on television were in English. It was “Mutual of Omaha” and a series of cartoons. While watching cartoons, I would create drawings of what I saw on television. When I lived in Kenya, our parents took us on a lot of excursions. We saw a lot of the country, and the animal sightings were spectacular. These experiences have traveled with me throughout my life and help influence how I develop lessons. It is experiences that make up the foundation for what I teach in the classroom. It is also from other artists and colleagues that we find inspiration for developing lessons. There is a lot that we have to offer from learning from each other. 
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  • From Story to Action: Cultivating a Culture of Belonging

    By Oscar Gonzalez, Director of Equity and Inclusivity
    Belonging is a prerequisite for thriving. At the center of our strategic plan is the word “thrive.” We want families, educators, and students to thrive at their highest potential. To thrive means to succeed, and not at the expense of one’s well-being. We strive for our students to thrive and not merely survive academically, socially, in sports, and on stage–in the myriad of opportunities that our whole-child approach offers students. It is for that reason that our strategic plan is enveloped by cultivating a culture of belonging. This school year, we’ve leveraged our partnership with Challenge Success to listen to the stories and experiences of our community members which then informed our actions in order to enhance belonging.
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  • Grade 5: Going to Head-to-Head in a Game of Ancient Survivor

    Confucius, Archimedes, Thucydides, Nebuchadnezzar, Sargon the Great, Genghis Khan, and Socrates. These are just a few of the historical figures that fifth-grade students personified in a recent grade-wide competition known as “Ancient Survivor.” Throughout April, students were assigned two historical figures, one they would personify and one they would prepare to “battle” debate-style in history class. 
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  • Jason Cooper ’84: A Journey of Leadership and Achievement

    By Kat Diez Canseco, Communications Department
    Each year, Graland’s Alumni Board recognizes an outstanding member of the alumni community with the prestigious Ruth Gorham Award. Named after the school’s longest-serving teacher, Ms. Ruth Gorham, who dedicated 62 years to nurturing a love of learning in her students, the award commemorates her unwavering commitment to education and mentorship. This year, Graland is proud to present the Ruth Gorham Award to Jason Cooper, Class of 1984.
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  • Shall I Compare Shakespeare and AI? Lessons from Two Poets

    By Josh Cobb, Head of School
    In Daniel Pink’s “A Whole New Mind,” he writes, “Poets [...] contemplate the world in which we live [...] and give expression to it in a way that makes the reader understand how the world turns. Poets, those unheralded system thinkers, are our true digital thinkers.” Provoked by this assertion, I asked participants at my January book club on Pink’s work to compare two sonnets, one written by Shakespeare and another written by ChatGPT.
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  • Supporting Student Wellness at Graland: The Bradley Thomas Memorial Fund

    By Jessica Goski, Director of Development
    Graland is grateful for community members, past and present, who wish to make a philanthropic impact at the school. At times, these meaningful donors include Graland in their estate plans, creating a legacy that reaches beyond their lifetime. These gifts can also be unrestricted, allowing the school to direct their funds to the greatest priorities and needs, or designated for specific purposes.
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  • Teacher Talk: Exploring Key Reading Skills

    Graland Lower School teachers share their expertise on the foundational aspects of reading: phonics, comprehension, fluency, and vocabulary. These essential components work together to develop young learners into skilled, confident readers. Take a peek into our educators’ insights and discover the keys to reading success!
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  • The Five Critical Components for Successful Lower School Readers

    By Nan Remington, Head of Lower School
    Learning to read in Graland’s Lower School is a multifaceted approach that involves the integration of various components working together. From decoding individual sounds to constructing meaning from text, being a proficient reader is a complex cognitive process. Understanding the foundational elements of reading is essential for educators, parents, and learners alike.

    There are five critical components of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary, which, when developed and practiced, help Lower School students comprehend all kinds of texts fully:
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  • Alphabet Tiles - South Side

    Timeless Treasures: Art and Statues at Graland

    By Jessica Goski, Director of Development
    As Graland approaches its 100th anniversary in 2027, the school enjoys sharing stories of its vibrant history.
    This article shares background on a handful of the many pieces of art that adorn Graland’s campus.
    As 2027 approaches, there will be many opportunities to honor Graland’s 100 years of excellence. Memories abound in the school archives, as well as in the two main school history books that are available to view on the school website and in the stories passed down between generations. We are fortunate to be able to reflect on the past and look forward to a bright future. 

    Click to read more about Graland’s history and to access digital versions of the books referenced in this article.
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  • Grade 2: Come With Me to Guatemala!

    When you walked into Grade 2 Spanish Teacher Señora James' classroom this month, you were greeted by a colorful display of Guatemalan culture everywhere you turned, as well as engaged second graders who couldn't wait to tell you all that they had learned, accomplished, and discovered. 
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  • ECLC: Celebrating Our Youngest Learners (Week of the Young Child)

    This April, Graland once again participated in the Week of the Young Child, a national event that recognizes the importance of early learning and celebrates children, teachers, and families.
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  • Grade 4: Visiting DIRT Coffee Bar (A Service Learning Lesson in Neurodiversity & Community Advocacy)

    As part of their service learning work, fourth-grade students got to visit DIRT Coffee Bar on a sunny afternoon this April. DIRT, a mission driven nonprofit, works to promote a safe training and employment environment for neurodivergent individuals as well as prepare them for future work opportunities beyond DIRT.
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  • Grade 1: Creating Owl-Some Bird Reports

    Each year in Grade 1, students become immersed in a multidisciplinary bird unit that culminates into a final project known as the Bird Report. Throughout the school year, students learn about birds and the various challenges they face through first-hand experiences, including field trips to spend time with field guides and interactive lessons and projects in their science, art, Tinker Time, and core classes. 
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  • Kindergarten: A New Field Trip for National Poetry Month

    In celebration of National Poetry Month, Graland kindergarteners embarked on a new field trip to the Botanic Gardens to get inspired for their unit on poetry! The unit is part of a series of writing workshops that take place in Kindergarten throughout the year. 
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  • Grade 7 & Grade 8: Discovering Passions in ICE Classes

    Watch as students immerse themselves in enriching activities through Innovation, Creativity, and Expression; ICE. From filming and directing self-written stories in The Art of Filming to crafting beautiful wooden pieces in Woodworking, students at Graland are discovering new passions and expanding their skills in ICE.
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  • Decimals on the Road: Fifth Graders Plan the Ultimate Adventure

    Kat Diez Canseco
    Fifth grade students in Meggan Dodge's math class are taking their decimal skills to the next level by planning the ultimate road trip! Students are learning how decimals play a crucial role in real-world scenarios, like planning a vacation. As part of the project, students choose a destination that holds personal significance to them. They then calculate the mileage, gas expenses, and budget for extras like hotels, food, and local attractions. 
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  • Discovering Earth's Rotation and Orbit in Kindergarten

    Kat Diez Canseco
    Kindergarten students are exploring the mysteries of the solar system in their science class. Mrs. Stephanie Cook, their teacher, is guiding her students to discover how the Earth moves and is giving them a deeper understanding of the world around them.
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  • ECLC Architects: Building Cooperation and Creativity

    Kat Diez Canseco
    Inside the pre-kindergarten classroom, a group of students are working on a hands-on architecture and construction activity. Guided by their teacher, Lisa Barone, these little architects are learning not only about building structures, but also about the importance of cooperation and communication.
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  • Gates Invention and Innovation Program 2024

    Kat Diez Canseco
    At Graland Country Day School, the spirit of innovation thrives through the Charles C. Gates Invention and Innovation Program. Established in 1999, this unique program offers students in grades 5-8 the opportunity to explore their creativity, invent new products, and potentially earn a U.S. patent. Funded by an endowment from Charles C. Gates '34, the program has become a hallmark of Graland's commitment to fostering a growth mindset.
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  • Lessons in Empathy: Sixth Graders Serve and Learn at Local Soup Kitchen

    Kat Diez Canseco
    Every Thursday this spring, a group of sixth graders from Graland can be found at Trinity United Methodist Church, volunteering their time and energy at the Capitol Hill Community Services soup kitchen. 
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  • Newbery Reading Challenge: Fostering a Love for Literature at Graland

    Kat Diez Canseco
    The Newbery reading challenge has become a beloved Grade 3 tradition that brings students, teachers, and parents together in a shared love for literature. The Grade 3 students are challenged to read five Newbery Award-winning books, and then engage in a book discussion facilitated by a trained parent volunteer.
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  • Community Day 2024

    Graland's Community Day brought students together to celebrate the strong bonds that make the school community so special. Students gathered for a day of mingling, games to promote connection between peers, and creating lasting memories.
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  • Grade 6: Supermercado

    Spanish students in Señora Quezada's sixth-grade class put their creativity into practice by making a video of a visit to a mini grocery store.
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  • Grade 7: Memory Box Project

    Grade 7 students concluded a meaningful interdisciplinary unit as part of their service learning experience by creating heartwarming Memory Boxes.
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  • Grade 8 UpWord Speeches: A Graland Tradition of Self-Discovery and Growth

    Kat Diez Canseco
    As their time at Graland nears its end, eighth-graders embark on a journey of self-reflection and connection, exploring how the school's core values have shaped their personal experiences and growth.
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  • A Grade 5 Journey Through Greek Mythology

    Kat Diez Canseco
    Grade 5 students are embarking on an adventure through Greek mythology under the guidance of their history teacher, Mr. Mike Willis. Mr. Willis created an exciting lesson that combines history, literature, and imagination to inspire his students and bring out their creativity.
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  • Grade 2: Exploring the Legacy of Margaret "Molly" Brown

    Kat Diez Canseco
    Under the guidance of their teachers, all Grade 2 students embarked on a journey into the life of Margaret "Molly" Brown. As part of their biography lesson, they learned about this extraordinary woman and uncovered her heroism and impact on society.
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  • Grade 4: Uncovering the Harlem Renaissance

    Kat Diez Canseco
    Grade 4 students enjoyed an exciting trip to the Blair Caldwell African American Research Library as part of their ongoing research project centered around the influential figures of the Harlem Renaissance.
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  • Designing Animal-Friendly Sleds at Graland

    Kat Diez Canseco
    A recent activity captivated the imaginations of ECLC students. This lesson unfolded in Gates lab, where students explored the realms of creativity, design, and perseverance with inspiration from the book "Red Sled" by Lita Judge.
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  • Environmental Stewardship: A Lesson on Wildlife Conservation

    Kat Diez Canseco
    In the spirit of fostering environmental awareness and a sense of responsibility towards our planet, Graland recently hosted a special session by the Denver Zoo education department. This presentation not only engaged the Animal Care and Nature Club, but extended its reach to Grade 6 students learning about the environment, as well.
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  • Grade 7 Backstage Crews Bring "Singin' in the Rain, Jr." to Life at Graland

    Kat Diez Canseco
    Students taking the role of backstage crews for the upcoming Grade 7 and 8 musical, "Singin' in the Rain, Jr.," are learning the intricacies of scenic design for the anticipated musical with guidance from their teacher Mrs. Julie Lachance. Having just completed a reading of the script, the students have transitioned into small groups, each tasked with the challenge of designing the set that will become the backdrop for the show.
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  • Harmony in Learning: Grade 1 Musical Mastery

    Kat Diez Canseco
    In the Grade 1 classroom, students are embarking on a musical journey that involves the introduction of a bordun accompaniment on xylophones and metallophones. Picture a scene where these students are playing an open fifth (C and G) in a rhythmic pattern while harmoniously singing the familiar tune of "Rocky Mountain." What makes this experience challenging is the coordination required to sing one rhythm while playing another – a feat that requires concentration and teamwork.
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  • Kindergarten Literacy Journey: Unveiling the Magic of Reading

    Kat Diez Canseco
    Following their morning meeting with Ms. Brezin, Kindergarten students at Graland gathered for the daily Really Great Reading lesson, a vital part of their literacy journey. The recent session was filled with practical activities aimed at nurturing the students' reading skills.
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  • Nurturing Creativity: A Grade 3 Theatrical Triumph

    Kat Diez Canseco
    Creativity and collaboration takes center stage in the Grade 3 theater class with Mrs. Julie Lachance. Each fall, these students engage in a collective brainstorming session, mapping out their hopes and dreams for the drama season. This year, the unanimous desire among the Grade 3 students was to write and bring to life their own plays. 
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  • Exploring the World of Science: A Dive Into the Soda Can Crush Lab

    Kat Diez Canseco
    Grade 8 recently delved into an interesting lab activity – the Soda Can Crush Lab. They journeyed into states of matter, kinetic energy, and the fascinating world of crushed soda cans!
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  • Alumni Spotlight: Graland Athletics

    As we celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Fieldhouse, the alumni office would like to highlight several former students (Ali Levy ’00,  Alex Smith ’97, Jonathan Vaughters ’88) whose journeys in the areas of sports, athletics, and health & wellness started right here at Graland. We hope that their pursuits and experiences serve as inspiration to fellow alumni, current students, and the entire Graland community.
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  • Creating the Conditions to Thrive: Lessons From the PGP Program

    By Josh Cobb, Head of School
    When we began our professional growth partner (PGP) program at Graland, we intended to restore the fabric of our entire educator community after the strain of the pandemic. By including all faculty and staff (all educators), we came together and built relationships throughout the school, no matter what role you had in educating children. While those relationships were strengthened, we also looked to inspire individuals to strive toward a professional and personal vision, ideally to thrive. What we did not expect was that our work with the PGP program would begin to define our overall approach to professional growth. As we all experienced the program, either as coaches or coachees, three core elements of the program manifested to not only the PGP program, but to all professional development endeavors—belonging, empathy, and agency.
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  • From Gymnasium to Fieldhouse - Traditions of Importance and Excellence at Graland

    By: Jim Arneill ’66, School Archives Committee
    Since Graland’s incorporation in 1927, physical education and sports have been an integral part of the school’s curriculum with its progressive education philosophy of developing the whole child. Generations of students have experienced strong physical education programs that not only teach a progression of important motor skills, but also promote sportsmanship, teamwork, confidence, and self-esteem. Lifelong learning and fitness are seen as major goals of the physical education department.
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  • Green Is for Growth

    By Erik Burrell, Dean of Grades 7/8
    The eighth-grader sitting in my office during lunch assiduously typed away at their laptop. On their screen were reflection questions centered around responsibility, and they were considering their actions from the day before. When they completed the task at hand, I read over their responses and discussed each one with them. They were thoughtful both with what they typed, as well as our discussion. 
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  • Q&A With Graland’s Athletic Director, Monica Johnson

    In celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Fieldhouse, Graland is excited to feature athletic director, coach, and PE teacher Monica Johnson in the winter issue of “Graland Today.” Please continue reading to learn about Coach Johnson’s thoughts on the school’s current athletic program and philosophy, and what’s to come for the Eagles in the future. 
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  • Surviving and Thriving During the Mid-Year Slump

    By Nan Remington, Head of Lower School
    Teachers have often described January, February, and March as the Bermuda Triangle of the school year. Students who displayed motivation and excitement earlier in the year can now appear lackluster and tired. The excitement of the breaks and holidays is over, the days are short, darkness falls earlier, and completing homework or reading time begins to feel like a battle.
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  • The Evolution of a Middle School Athlete

    By Ann DeBoe, Physical Education Teacher, Coach
    In today’s world, with so much controversy, especially in televised sports, what impact do Middle School sports have on its athletes? Let’s face it, many behaviors we witness at professional, collegiate, high school, and even little league levels are questionable at best. Throughout the years, our young ones look up to higher-level athletes in awe and a desire to mimic their skills and behaviors. Colorful language and inappropriate antics flood the media. 
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  • Wacky Problems, Creative Solutions

    By Elise de Geus, Lower School Science Teacher
    Odyssey of the Mind (OM) is a unique blend of engineering challenges, art, and theatrical performances that are centered around student innovation and independence. Students across the country (as well as a few international teams) spend time creating skit-based solutions to wacky problems that are then performed at regional, state, and world competitions.
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  • We Asked Middle School Students Answered! A Q&A With Graland Middle School Athletes

    What do you love about Graland Athletics, and what has it taught you?
    “I love Graland Athletics because it shows me I can do so much more than I thought. I love that everyone can show their athletic side at school and just let loose. Through playing sports at Graland, I have learned you have to stay ready for anything that comes your way.”
    - Garrett E., Grade 6
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Graland Country Day School

Graland Country Day School is a private school in Denver, Colorado, serving students in preschool, kindergarten, elementary, and middle school. Founded in Denver in 1927, Graland incorporates a rich, experiential learning approach in a traditional classroom setting, emphasizing the development of globally and socially conscious leaders who excel academically.