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Gates Invention & Innovation Program

Competition Day

Over 20 Years of Gates Innovation

2024 Dates

List of 3 items.

  • Invention Expo

    Thursday, March 7, 2024

  • Finalist Presentations

    Friday, March 8, 2024

  • Awards Ceremony

    Friday, March 8, 2024

Competition Day

At the expo, students are prepared to display and discuss their hard work from start to finish.

List of 3 items.

  • Judging Process

    1. At the expo, judges speak with each inventor to evaluate the entries before selecting 10-15 finalists.
    2. The following day, finalists make individual presentations to the panel of judges using additional support material such as slide presentations to describe their invention and process in more detail.
    3. Judges sequester to determine the contest winners.
    Cash awards up to $500 are given in both the Grades 5/6 and Grades 7/8 categories.
  • Criteria

    All entries are judged on four criteria:
    • Functionality
    • Creativity
    • Marketability
    • Clarity of Communication
  • Patent Support

    In exceptional cases, judges may award a "patent nod" to a particular invention. Those projects receive additional funding for more in-depth research, design and guidance through the patent process.

2024 Competition Finalists

Grades 7/8
First Place - The Locker Hub | Charlie C. and Emery H.
A screen to be installed on student lockers that is programmed with student schedule, homework due, and other reminders
Second Place - The Shower Crutch 2.0 | Brynn A.
Assistive device to be used by leg amputees and people with lower body injuries to ensure safety and stability while showering
Third Place - Whip-A-Stick | Henry C.
Weighted lacrosse stick to use for practice and conditioning
Patent Nod - Dash Flash | Yuubo F. and Ella R.
A light system that can alert a hearing impaired driver when an emergency vehicle is near.
Grades 5/6
First Place - Arthritic Phone Case | Aidan N., Jack L. and Ryan W.
A phone case with more surface area designed to be easier to hold by people who suffer from arthritis
Second Place - Dignity for Dementia | Walker C.
Good-looking outfits for dementia patients designed to be difficult for patients to remove
Third Place (Tie) - Winter Watch Window | Carter T.
Wrist watch sleeve with a plastic touch through screen where you can see the face of your watch while keeping your sleeves down
Third Place (Tie) - Buckle Up 2.0 | Bentley O.
A car seat buckle attachment to make it harder for children to unbuckle themselves from their carseats

Competition Day Judges

Graland Country Day School

Graland Country Day School is a private school in Denver, Colorado, serving students in preschool, kindergarten, elementary, and middle school. Founded in Denver in 1927, Graland incorporates a rich, experiential learning approach in a traditional classroom setting, emphasizing the development of globally and socially conscious leaders who excel academically.