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Sharing Teacher Memories

Sally Kennedy

Jeter Thomas '95
With an encouraging inflection in her voice and an inviting smile, Sally Kennedy poses the simple question, “can we read a book together?” It was as inviting an invitation now as it was almost 30 years ago.
Mrs. Kennedy has always had an uncanny ability to draw students into her world of literary bliss. She was at one point the architect of reading week at Graland; a time to just find a comfortable pillow in the sunken garden level library and enjoy the words these great authors have prepared for you.

For a 3rd grade transplant, behind in reading, future engineer, interested in math and sports, what fear I had of English class…until Mrs. Kennedy’s 6th grade year. She drew us all in and captivated her students. Who but the consummate English teacher could sit on Preisser Field and watch a 9th grade boys lacrosse game and write “David Would Have Been a Perfect Lacrosse Player”…
“…The legs
Michelangelo carved these legs
Sculpted these calves and knees and ankles
America’s finest in Italian Marble
He chiseled protection
Colors, pads, helmets
Grand shouldered shirts
Sticks, catapults, weapons…”
I still remember that poem from nearly 30 years ago; I remember thinking at age 13 how poetry could be cool. What a joy to sit down recently and reconnect with Mrs. Kennedy; she pulled herself away from her current joys of traveling and grandparenting her grand boys to answer a few of our questions about her time at Graland.

What do you remember most fondly about Graland?

The trips! Weren’t they great? Do you remember the Southwest trip? And the experience of living on the land at the Priest’s, for a few days being Anasazi? Those were such wonderful experiences for students and for the teachers.
And the people. We had such wonderful faculty and good friends during those years at Graland. There are few communities that bring together such richness and such genuine people.

Graland Country Day School

Graland Country Day School is a private school in Denver, Colorado, serving students in preschool, kindergarten, elementary, and middle school. Founded in Denver in 1927, Graland incorporates a rich, experiential learning approach in a traditional classroom setting, emphasizing the development of globally and socially conscious leaders who excel academically.