Meet Karin Bisogno-Von Glumer: GPA President Q&A

Karin Bisogno-Von Glumer became a Graland parent in 2017 and has not stopped finding new ways to get involved since. Originally from Valencia, Venezuela, Karin came to the United States to go to school in Omaha, Nebraska. 
After moving to Denver (before having children), Karin recalls meeting several wonderful families with kids who had "something special about them." When she asked where the kids went to school, they answered, "Graland." Fast forward to 2023, and she and her husband Paul are proud Graland parents of Korina (Grade 6) and Sebastian (Grade 4). Keep reading to learn more about Karin and what she is looking forward to during her time as GPA (Graland Parent Association) president!

Q: "What made you decide to volunteer for the GPA, and what was that experience like?"
A: "I wanted to be involved. I didn't know anything about the GPA, but I wanted to know more about the school. I started attending GPA meetings, helping in the library, classroom, lunchroom, and store. Every time it was a really special moment for me and my kids. I met many parents from different grades who were always welcoming."

Q: "What advice do you have for new families at Graland?"
A: "To get involved! Graland is a very special place, and there are many opportunities for parents."

Q: "What are you looking forward to during your role as GPA President this year?"
A: "Seeing and meeting new faces at GPA meetings and welcoming parents to our events on campus. The GPA has been planning amazing events for the 2023-2024 school year."

Q: "What might people not know about the GPA?"
A: "That parents become part of the GPA as soon as they join Graland, and everybody is welcome to attend meetings and join the fun!" 

Q: "Why should members of the community attend a GPA meeting?"
A: "To enjoy a cup of coffee with other parents, learn about what the GPA is organizing, get involved, and meet our Faces of Faculty speakers!"

Q: "What upcoming events should everyone look forward to this year?" 
A: "Family Movie Night on August 17 and the Graland Gallop on September 24! Both of these events are fun for the whole family and are a great way to get excited about the start of a new school year. You don't want to miss these events!"

Q: "What is your favorite Graland tradition and why?"
A: "The Carnival is my favorite event! The whole family can attend, kids get to run around, and many volunteers and eighth graders are involved. It is a happy and wonderful end-of-year event."

Q: "What is your favorite GPA memory?"
A: "I have so many favorite memories. One of them is arriving around 4:30 a.m. at Wash Park to help set up for the Gallop. While setting up, I got to enjoy a hot cup of coffee with other moms, dads, and Jeri Volpe (Graland's associate director of community relations). It was a fun morning!"

Q: "What are some of your favorite hobbies and pastimes?"
A: "Cooking, getting together with friends, and being by the ocean. I also love volunteering at Graland and at my kids' sports clubs."

Graland Country Day School

Graland Country Day School is a private school in Denver, Colorado, serving students in preschool, kindergarten, elementary, and middle school. Founded in Denver in 1927, Graland incorporates a rich, experiential learning approach in a traditional classroom setting, emphasizing the development of globally and socially conscious leaders who excel academically.